Archives for October, 2015

Volume 3, Issue 4 published

Publication of Volume 3, Issue 4 The Journal of Sport for Development (JSFD) is pleased to announce the publication of its fourth issue. Please click here to download the full PDF of the issue. JSFD’s mission is to advance, examine and disseminate evidence and best practices for programs and interventions that use sport to promote […]

Improving Life Satisfaction, Self-Concept, and Happiness of Former Gang Members Using Games and Psychological Skills Training

Stephanie J. Hanrahan1, Maria de Lourdes Francke Ramm 2 1 University of Queensland, Australia 2 Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico Download full PDF Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of games and mental skills training on Mexican former gang members and drug users’ self-concept, life satisfaction, perceived control, and happiness. Male (n […]